Edudata.io makes sure that the students’ fundamental rights are fulfilled in data protection and that the school complies with every data protection legislations.
Edudata.io shows children and guardians how does the school processes personal data
Edudata.io is the school’s Privacy Framework and data protection threat and risk management service with DPIA recommendations
Edudata.io Privacy App for students
Home of 4000 platform and digital service DPIAs
DPIA recommendations as a Service.
Privacy framework for EDU
Seamless Data Protection Process for EDU.
Local GDPR Advisor
Modern software for managing DPIAs
Save resources, especially money and time
Active GDPR training with Privacy Webinars
Templates for legal documents
Knowledge base for EDU EU GDPR Privacy
International but local legal team for Education Privacy
EDU DPIAs and Extensive DPIAs

The fastest way to manage EU
GDPR Compliance in Education
Using Edudata.io schools receive full information on how to implement GDPR and other laws in school, and how can they manage the whole Privacy Framework cost effectively and in a structured way with help of local GDPR Advisors and the power of modern software.
Over 70 cities take care of the school Privacy with Edudata.io.
Edudata.io has clarified the laws in cooperation with cities and created a continuous data protection process to enable schools to implement data protection laws. This process is called the Privacy Framework. In accordance with this Framework schools can take care of data protection step by step and guarantee a data protected learning environment for every student.
Briefly stated, the Edudata Privacy Framework consists of five main subdivisions, which are Administrative tasks, Leadership decisions and management, Awareness, Customer Satisfaction and external communication and Impact and Risk Assessments, which includes the most important and time-consuming task in data protection management: Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) for every site and application used.
Students have the right to data protection in School
With Edudata.io students have the opportunity to see a list of all applications and sites used from their own easy-to-use Edudata.io application.
The Edudata.io App allows awareness of data protection and how applications use the students' own personal data. The students can also see if the school has done everything necessary in terms of Data Protection Impact Assessment, and see if the application is safe to use.
Seamless data protection
Now with Edudata.io data protection is seamless and handled transparently, and students and their guardians can be sure that their fundamental rights are taken into account in school. With Edudata.io schools receive full information on how to implement GDPR and other laws in school, and how can they manage the whole Privacy Framework cost effectively and in a structured way with help of local GDPR Legal Advisors and the power of modern software.
Delling Cloud is Edudata.io's official partner in Estonia.
In Delling Cloud we believe that we can be the strongest and unstoppable by combining our strength and knowledge across Europe. Delling Cloud is a union of three companies in five different countries with over 100 employees of different professions, backgrounds and knowledge. As a group we work across geographical boundaries as one team, we trust our employees so they have the freedom to work where they want and still can help each other whenever someone needs help. Together we are the mountain of knowledge which the Delling Cloud logo shows.
Delling Cloud is a sales company headquartered in Estonia. The company focuses on different Google solution sales in the Business and Education fields and Data Privacy solutions especially for Education with our Privacy solution Edudata.io.